Saturday 7 February 2009

Your Fired!!! or not, i'll get back to you...

i went back to my part time job today, after a great holiday and it was like a nice big hug, if the person i was hugging was a naked old man covered in razor blades which were tipped with aids infested acid.

Might have over exaggerated a bit but only slightly. So, why such an elaborate analogy well my boss called me into the office along with the assistant manager to give me a bollocking for going to Paris with out telling them. Now maybe i was away from England longer than i thought because i was positive before i left that telling the assistant manager and the sunday manager 3 days before my shift was an adequate enough english custom to leave them enough time to find cover for what was only a 4 hour shift.

Apparently not... at 2 o clock on Wednesday i was gazing upon the amazing venus de milo when my phone goes off... it's from work of course i ignored them because what would i have said       "Oh Hi, i'm sorry i'll be right there i'm just in the louvre right now but hang on... !) fucking idiots!

So any hoo on wednesday i'll know if i still have my job, now i hate that job so much it gives me energy, in fact i get up early in the morning just to hate it because there is not enough time during the day but it pays the bills so fingers crossed... i guess it could battle harden me for if i get fired in the future.

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