Sunday, 14 February 2010

St Valentines

Love it or hate it St Valentines day is here to stay. 

I have already had my fair share of conversations as to why its shit and I have been surprised by just how many people seem to hate it.

Could it be that they genuinely hate the corporateness of the day?

Is it cool to hate St Valentines Day?

Do I have more single friends then I realised?

Or am I one of those annoying twats, who because he's with someone loves Valentines day? 

Something is up. People just aren't that interested anymore. One woman described it as making her feel ill.

The argument against Valentines day has become about the consumption and the fantasy of what love is. Its all lovey dovey perfection with lots of expensive presents and meals out. Or on the flip side it is about loving each other so much that you don't need to celebrate it.

But the saddest thing I find is that it is seen as a day to repair relationships not about simply celebrating it.

How are we meant to connect with this idea of showing your love for someone when before it has even started it has become already about what is lacking in your relationship.

Do something you never do for them, take her out for a meal as a treat, buy her a gift, say how you feel in a card. Misses the point a bit to me.

The industry doesn't quite get love in todays world but we are equally as guilty as it reaps in the money every year.

We need to get a lot more creative and daring. If you have been married for 40 years do something that proves youcan still surprise them. Get a tattoo of there name in a heart, what have you got to lose?

If your single do something for someone you really like that they would never have experienced before. If they say no then at least you will have a real reason for going out and getting wasted with your other single friends. Love is more than being in a couple. So why not celebrate Valentines Day with your friends?

To make it a great Valentines Day start by ignoring everything about it and go from there.

Dedicated to Melissa Songer :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx